Package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier
A marker interface for any object or class that describes a subtype of the argument type A. The descriptor is used to find the ArgumentReader extensions applicable to the argument being described, and possibly to provide additional data for those extensions.
Argument readers are a general access point for obtaining argument values from the command context.
Marks functions as part of QKL's Brigadier DSL.
An argument ready to be registered into a command. Can be either optional or required.
Representation of possible results of running a command.
Default ArgumentDescriptor, used for argument types such as IntegerArgumentType and many others that do only provide a single argument type with no extra data needed to resolve it.
Creates an argument of the specified argumentType with the specified parameter name and a DefaultArgumentDescriptor for the argument type used.
Creates an argument of the specified argumentType with the specified parameter name and argumentDescriptor.
Creates and returns a CommandBuildContext with the given dynamicRegistryManager and configured with action.
Sets the action the command will take when executed.
Applies the accessor to the receiver CommandContext.
Registers the argument specified by the constructor as an optional argument and further configures the resulting subcommands with the given action.
Registers the argument specified by the constructor as a required argument and further configures the resulting subcommand with the given action.