Package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.qsl.recipe
Currently Kotlin does not have union types, so this is a workaround. An IngredientLike is one of the following:
TODO: Change into a union type if Kotlin (in the future) supports them.
Coerce the given ingredient to an Ingredient object.
A more general recipe builder creating three recipes for the primary ways of cooking. These three are returned in an array, in the order of:
Called when recipes are loaded. This is the time to register your own recipes. It is called before onModifyRecipes and onRemoveRecipes.
Called when recipes are modified. This is the time to modify any recipes. It is called after onAddRecipes but before onRemoveRecipes.
Called when recipes are removed. This is the time to remove any recipes. It is called after onAddRecipes and onModifyRecipes.
Create a new ShapedRecipe with the given information. The group string is used for finding the recipe in the recipe book. The pattern is a newline-separated string of rows. The result is the resulting ItemStack of the recipe. Any ingredients can be listed in the form char to ingredient
Create a new ShapelessRecipe with the given information. The group string is used for finding the recipe in the recipe book. The result is the resulting ItemStack of the recipe. The ingredients are any number of IngredientLike objects.