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operation(String) - function in org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.argument.ArgumentsKt
Creates an operation compound argument with name as the parameter name.
optional() - function in org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.ArgumentConstructor
Converts this constructor into an optional argument.
optional(ArgumentBuilder,ArgumentConstructor,Function2) - function in org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.ArgumentConstructorKt
Registers the argument specified by the constructor as an optional argument and further configures the resulting subcommands with the given action.
optionalEntityArg(ArgumentReader) - function in org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.argument.ArgumentsKt
Reads the collection of entities from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
optionalPlayerArg(ArgumentReader) - function in org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.argument.ArgumentsKt
Reads the collection of players from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier - package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier
org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.argument - package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.argument
org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.util - package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.util
org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.math - package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.math
org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.registry - package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.registry
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