Package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.minecraft.brigadier.argument
ArgumentDescriptor for an EntityArgumentType allowing multiple entities to be selected.
ArgumentDescriptor for an EntityArgumentType allowing multiple players to be selected.
ArgumentDescriptor for an ScoreHolderArgumentType allowing multiple score holders to be selected.
Descriptor for a literal argument.
ArgumentDescriptor for EnumArgumentType allowing a set of specified strings, and containing values of T matching every allowed string.
ArgumentDescriptor for an EntityArgumentType allowing a single entity to be selected.
ArgumentDescriptor for an EntityArgumentType allowing a single player to be selected.
ArgumentDescriptor for an ScoreHolderArgumentType allowing a single score holder to be selected.
ArgumentDescriptor for EnumArgumentType allowing a set of specified strings.
ArgumentDescriptor for EnumArgumentType allowing all enum constants of T.
Reads the Vec2f value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader, converting the contained PosArgument to an absolute rotation.
Creates an angle argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the Identifier value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader as an Advancement.
Reads the Identifier value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader as a LootFunction.
Reads the Identifier value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader as a LootCondition.
Reads the Identifier value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader as a Recipe.
Creates a block pos argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a block predicate argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a block state argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a color argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a column pos argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a command function argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads all score holder names from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Creates a dimension argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an enchantment argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates entity argument allowing multiple entities with name as the parameter name.
Creates an entity selector argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an entity anchor argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an entity summon argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an enum argument allowing values specified by keys of values with name as the parameter name.
Creates a float range argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the matched CommandFunctions from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the collection of CommandFunctions from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Creates a game profile argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a greedy string argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an identifier argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an int range argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an item predicate argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an item slot argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an item slot argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a literal argument with name as the literal.
Creates a message argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a nbt compound argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an NBT element argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an NBT path argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates an operation compound argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the collection of entities from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the collection of players from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Creates a particle effect argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a player selector argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a multiple player selector argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the raw PosArgument value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the collection of entities from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the collection of players from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the BlockPos value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Creates a rotation argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a scoreboard criterion argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a scoreboard objective argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a scoreboard slot argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a score holder argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a multiple score holders argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the SignedMessage value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Creates a status effect argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a swizzle argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a team argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a test class argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a test function argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a text argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a time argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a UUID argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the boolean value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the float value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the integer value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the long value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the string value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the block predicate value of the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the BlockStateArgument value of the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the selected color's Formatting value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Enchantment value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the entity anchor value of the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the entity summon Identifier value of the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Identifier value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ItemStack predicate value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ItemStackArgument value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the NbtCompound value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the NbtElement value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the NbtPath value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the NumberRange.FloatRange value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the NumberRange.IntRange value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the OperationArgumentType.Operation value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ParticleEffect value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the raw PosArgument value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ScoreboardCriterion value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the integer slot value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the StatusEffect value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the set of Direction.Axis from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the test class name from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the TestFunction value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Text value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the integer value in ticks from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the UUID value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the string value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader and converts it to a value of type T according to the map provided when creating the argument.
Reads the enum value of type T from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the BlockPos value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ColumnPos value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ServerWorld value for the selected dimension from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the GameProfile value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the message's Text value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ScoreboardObjective value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Team value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Vec2f value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Vec3d value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads all score holder names from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the Entity value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the ServerPlayerEntity value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Reads the score holder name from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.
Creates a vec2 argument with name as the parameter name.
Creates a vec3 argument with name as the parameter name.
Reads the ScoreboardObjective value from the argument in the receiver ArgumentReader.