fun blockSettingsOf( material: Material, color: MapColor = material.color, isCollidable: Boolean = true, soundGroup: BlockSoundGroup = BlockSoundGroup.STONE, luminance: Int = 0, luminanceFunction: (BlockState) -> Int? = null, resistance: Float = 0.0f, hardness: Float? = null, requiresTool: Boolean = false, ticksRandomly: Boolean = false, slipperiness: Float = 0.6f, velocityMultiplier: Float = 1.0f, jumpVelocityMultiplier: Float = 1.0f, lootTableId: Any? = null, isOpaque: Boolean = true, isAir: Boolean = false, spawnCheck: EntityTest? = null, isSolid: BlockTest? = null, causesSuffocation: BlockTest? = null, blocksVision: BlockTest? = null, shouldPostProcess: BlockTest? = null, isEmissive: BlockTest? = null): AbstractBlock.Settings
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Create a new AbstractBlock.Settings with the given settings.
If luminanceFunction is null, luminance is used.
If hardness is null, resistance is used.
If any of the predicates are null, their default values are used.