Package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.qsl.blocks


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typealias BlockTest = (state: BlockState, view: BlockView, pos: BlockPos) -> Boolean
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typealias EntityTest = (state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos, entity: EntityType<*>) -> Boolean


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fun blockSettingsOf(    material: Material,     color: MapColor = material.color,     isCollidable: Boolean = true,     soundGroup: BlockSoundGroup = BlockSoundGroup.STONE,     luminance: Int = 0,     luminanceFunction: (BlockState) -> Int? = null,     resistance: Float = 0.0f,     hardness: Float? = null,     requiresTool: Boolean = false,     ticksRandomly: Boolean = false,     slipperiness: Float = 0.6f,     velocityMultiplier: Float = 1.0f,     jumpVelocityMultiplier: Float = 1.0f,     lootTableId: Any? = null,     isOpaque: Boolean = true,     isAir: Boolean = false,     spawnCheck: EntityTest? = null,     isSolid: BlockTest? = null,     causesSuffocation: BlockTest? = null,     blocksVision: BlockTest? = null,     shouldPostProcess: BlockTest? = null,     isEmissive: BlockTest? = null): AbstractBlock.Settings

Create a new AbstractBlock.Settings with the given settings.

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fun buildBlockSettings(    material: Material,     color: MapColor,     block: QuiltBlockSettings.() -> Unit): AbstractBlock.Settings

Build a Block settings object with the given material and color, using builder-style syntax.

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fun buildMaterial(color: MapColor, block: QuiltMaterialBuilder.() -> Unit): Material

Build a Material with the given color.

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fun materialOf(    color: MapColor,     pistonBehavior: PistonBehavior = PistonBehavior.NORMAL,     blocksMovement: Boolean = true,     isBurnable: Boolean = false,     isLiquid: Boolean = false,     isReplaceable: Boolean = false,     isSolid: Boolean = true,     isOpaque: Boolean = true): Material

Create a Material with the given settings.