Package org.quiltmc.qkl.wrapper.qsl.items


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fun buildItemGroup(id: Identifier, block: QuiltItemGroup.Builder.() -> Unit): ItemGroup

Build an ItemGroup with the given id.

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fun buildItemSettings(block: QuiltItemSettings.() -> Unit): QuiltItemSettings

Build a QuiltItemSettings with builder-style syntax.

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fun <T> QuiltItemSettings.customSetting(value: T, setting: CustomItemSetting<T>)

Add a CustomItemSetting to this item settings.

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fun itemGroupOf(    id: Identifier,     displayText: Text? = null,     iconSupplier: () -> ItemStack? = null,     itemListModifier: (MutableList<ItemStack>) -> Unit? = null): ItemGroup

Create an ItemGroup with the given id and optional other information.

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fun itemSettingsOf(    maxCount: Int = 64,     maxDamage: Int = 0,     recipeRemainder: Item? = null,     group: ItemGroup? = null,     rarity: Rarity = Rarity.COMMON,     foodComponent: FoodComponent? = null,     fireproof: Boolean = false,     customDamage: CustomDamageHandler? = null,     equipmentSlot: (ItemStack) -> EquipmentSlot? = null,     otherSettings: List<Pair<CustomItemSetting<*>, *>> = emptyList()): QuiltItemSettings

Create a QuiltItemSettings with the given information. Calling without specifying any parameters will create the default settings. This is enough for many items.